Vestibular Compensation Exercises and Clinical Resources
Presented by Jeff Walter
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Nonfinancial: Jeff Walter has no competing nonfinancial interests or relationships with regard to the content presented in this course.
Course instruction will emphasize suggested exercises to address modifiable impairments related to vestibular hypofunction. Mechanisms involved in the resolution of head-motion-induced oscillopsia and postural instability following vestibular loss will be discussed. Exercise suggestions will focus on head-motion-induced oscillopsia and postural instability. Instruction will focus on proper treatment administration and progression. Improvements in dynamic vestibular-related impairments can facilitate improvements in activities of daily living. The course will also include a question-and-answer session with Danielle Tate, DPT, regarding suggested vestibular-related testing and treatment equipment. Additionally, the course will discuss recommended resources to promote professional growth in vestibular rehabilitation. The course is appropriate for audiologists and occupational/physical therapists and assistants.
Meet your instructor

Jeff Walter
Jeff Walter is the director of the Otolaryngology Vestibular and Balance Center at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania. His clinical practice focuses on vestibular diagnostic testing and vestibular rehabilitation. He is an assistant professor of physical therapy in the Neuroscience Institute at Geisinger…
Chapters & learning objectives

1. Introduction
Compensation fundamentals and mechanisms of recovery of gaze stabilization will be reviewed. Video case examples will be utilized to reinforce subject matter. Comprehending the mechanisms of vestibular compensation provides valuable insight into treatment-related principles.

2. Gaze Stabilization Exercises
Exercise suggestions will focus on head-motion-induced oscillopsia related to vestibular hypofunction. Instruction will focus on proper treatment administration and progression. Improvements in gaze stabilization during dynamic activities can facilitate improvements in activities of daily living.

3. Balance Exercises
Exercise suggestions will emphasize vestibular-related balance impairment. Instruction will focus on proper treatment administration and progression guidelines. Improvements in balance can facilitate improvements in activities of daily living and potentially reduce fall risk.

4. Clinical Resources
Chapter content will include a question-and-answer session with Danielle Tate, DPT, regarding suggested vestibular-related testing and treatment equipment. Comparative information on Frenzel lenses and video infrared goggles, which are helpful examination tools, will be discussed. Additionally, the chapter will discuss recommended resources to promote professional growth in vestibular rehabilitation.
More courses in this series

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Vestibular Examination: Postural Control Testing
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Vestibular Compensation Exercises and Clinical Resources
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BPPV Pathophysiology and Differential Diagnosis of Positional Vertigo
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Diagnostic Maneuvers for BPPV
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Treatment Maneuvers for BPPV
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