Think Differently: How to Take a Patient-Centered Approach to Memory Evaluation & Treatment
April 17, 2018
2 min. read

Memory is often thought of as a single ability or function. It is, however, much more layered than that.
The Nuances of Memory
Broadly speaking, memory is the ability to remember. When asked about their memory, people will often say that they have a good memory or that they have a bad memory. However, memory is more nuanced than that- sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesnt. Think about your own memorydoes it always work well? Is it better for some things than for others? How do you feel about your memory? When it works well, you feel good; when it doesnt, you may feel frustrated, embarrassed, or be unaware.
Memory Strengths & Weaknesses
There are many ways to think about memory. Increasing a persons awareness of these different approaches can help them grasp their own memory-related strengths and weaknesses. As a clinician, besides facilitating patients insights, thinking about memory in multiple ways can increase your ability to help patients improve their memory function, increase their daily life participation, and maximize their quality of life.
For example, here are some common patient statements paired with clinician responses that can elicit patient self-assessment and useful insights:
Patient: My memory is awful.Clinician: What do you mean by my memory is awful? and Can you think of any times when your memory worked for you?
Patient: I cant remember new things anymore.Clinician: Describe some situations when you couldnt remember new things and What do you do to try to remember new things?
Patient: When was I supposed to have that done by?Clinician: Why do you think that you dont remember that? and What do you remember about when the due date was made?
Think Differently
As described above, thinking about memory in different ways will inform specific patient-centered approaches to evaluating and treating every individual with decreased memory abilities.
Below, watch Therese O'Neil-Pirozzi discuss the short term memory aspect of three part memory in a short clip from her course, Theory of Memory Impairments Post-Acquired Brain Injury.